WAR command entries
Column | Type | Description |
RequestID | string(64) (read-only) | Request ID |
Command | string(32) | Command |
Source | string(32) | Source |
RequestDate | string(23) | Request date, as a string |
RequestStatus | string(32) | Request status |
New objects of this class are constructed with:
new WAR.Command(string RequestID)
new WAR::Command($RequestID)
The following methods return a single object, or a null reference if the requested object was not found:
Lookup(string RequestID)
The following methods return a list of objects:
Other methods:
-- save the object to the database.Delete()
-- delete the object from the database.Error()
(Perl only) -- get error message from last operation, if any.WAR command parameters
Column | Type | Description |
RequestID | string(64) (read-only) | Request ID |
ParamName | string(32) (read-only) | Parameter name |
ParamValue | string(255) (read-only) | Parameter value |
New objects of this class are constructed with:
new WAR.Param(string RequestID, string ParamName, string ParamValue)
new WAR::Param($RequestID, $ParamName, $ParamValue)
The following methods return a single object, or a null reference if the requested object was not found:
Lookup(string RequestID, string ParamName, string ParamValue)
The following methods return a list of objects:
GetParameter(string RequestID, string ParamName)
GetParametersForRequest(string RequestID)
Other methods:
-- save the object to the database.Delete()
-- delete the object from the database.Error()
(Perl only) -- get error message from last operation, if any.Object | Type | Description |
Request | SAcM_WAR_Command (read-only) | The WAR request entry |
WAR results
Column | Type | Description |
RequestID | string(64) (read-only) | Request ID |
ResultAgent | string(255) (read-only) | Agent generating the result |
ResultContext | string(255) (read-only) | Context of the result |
ResultFieldName | string(32) (read-only) | Field name of the result |
ResultValue | string(255) (read-only) | The result text |
New objects of this class are constructed with:
new WAR.Result(string RequestID, string ResultAgent, string ResultContext, string ResultFieldName, string ResultValue)
new WAR::Result($RequestID, $ResultAgent, $ResultContext, $ResultFieldName, $ResultValue)
The following methods return a single object, or a null reference if the requested object was not found:
Lookup(string RequestID, string ResultAgent, string ResultContext, string ResultFieldName, string ResultValue)
The following methods return a list of objects:
GetRequestResults(string RequestID)
Other methods:
-- save the object to the database.Delete()
-- delete the object from the database.Error()
(Perl only) -- get error message from last operation, if any.Object | Type | Description |
Request | SAcM_WAR_Command (read-only) | The WAR request entry |
OS accounts
Column | Type | Description |
Created (FLD_CREATED) | datetime (optional) | Creation date |
Review (FLD_REVIEW) | datetime (optional) | Review date |
Owner (FLD_OWNER) | string(64) (optional) | Owner |
Computer (FLD_COMPUTER) | string(64) (optional, read-only) | Computer |
Platform (FLD_PLATFORM) | string(32) (optional, read-only) | Platform |
Account (FLD_ACCOUNT) | string(64) (optional, read-only) | Account |
Comment (FLD_COMMENT) | string(64) (optional) | Comment |
Roles (FLD_ROLES) | string(32) (optional) | Roles |
Spare1 (FLD_SPARE1) | string(32) (optional) | Spare |
ReconcileStatus (FLD_RECONCILE_STATUS) | string(12) (optional) | Reconcile status |
LastReconciled (FLD_LAST_RECONCILED) | datetime (optional) | Last reconciled |
New objects of this class are constructed with:
new Subscribers.Account(string Platform, string Computer, string AccountField)
new Subscribers::Account($FLD_PLATFORM, $FLD_COMPUTER, $FLD_ACCOUNT)
The following methods return a single object, or a null reference if the requested object was not found:
Lookup(string FLD_PLATFORM, string FLD_COMPUTER, string FLD_ACCOUNT)
The following methods return a list of objects:
GetAccountsForOwner(string BadgeNumber)
Other methods:
-- save the object to the database.Delete()
-- delete the object from the database.Error()
(Perl only) -- get error message from last operation, if any.Object | Type | Description |
OwnerPerson | TABLE_PEOPLE | The owner of the account |
Application accounts
Column | Type | Description |
Created (FLD_CREATED) | datetime (optional) | Creation date |
Review (FLD_REVIEW) | datetime (optional) | Review date |
Owner (FLD_OWNER) | string(64) (optional) | Owner |
Computer (FLD_COMPUTER) | string(64) (optional, read-only) | Computer |
Platform (FLD_PLATFORM) | string(32) (optional, read-only) | Platform |
Account (FLD_ACCOUNT) | string(64) (optional, read-only) | Account |
Comment (FLD_COMMENT) | string(64) (optional) | Comment |
Connection (FLD_CONNECTION) | string(64) (optional) | Connection |
Roles (FLD_ROLES) | string(32) (optional) | Roles |
Spare1 (FLD_SPARE1) | string(32) (optional) | Spare |
ReconcileStatus (FLD_RECONCILE_STATUS) | string(12) (optional) | Reconcile status |
LastReconciled (FLD_LAST_RECONCILED) | datetime (optional) | Last reconciled |
New objects of this class are constructed with:
new Subscribers.Application(string Platform, string Computer, string Account)
new Subscribers::Application($FLD_PLATFORM, $FLD_COMPUTER, $FLD_ACCOUNT)
The following methods return a single object, or a null reference if the requested object was not found:
Lookup(string FLD_PLATFORM, string FLD_COMPUTER, string FLD_ACCOUNT)
The following methods return a list of objects:
GetAccountsForOwner(string BadgeNumber)
Other methods:
-- save the object to the database.Delete()
-- delete the object from the database.Error()
(Perl only) -- get error message from last operation, if any.Object | Type | Description |
OwnerPerson | TABLE_PEOPLE | The owner of the account |
Column | Type | Description |
Index (FLD_INDEX) | string(32) (read-only) | Badge Number |
Name (FLD_NAME) | string(64) (optional) | Name |
Lastname (FLD_LASTNAME) | string(32) (optional) | Last name |
Title (FLD_TITLE) | string(32) (optional) | Title |
AccTitle (FLD_ACC_TITLE) | string(32) (optional) | Academic Title |
Address (FLD_ADDRESS) | string(64) (optional) | Address |
PoBox (FLD_PO_BOX) | string(32) (optional) | PO Box |
City (FLD_CITY) | string(64) (optional) | City |
State (FLD_STATE) | string(32) (optional) | State |
Zip (FLD_ZIP) | string(32) (optional) | Zip |
Country (FLD_COUNTRY) | string(32) (optional) | Country |
Room (FLD_ROOM) | string(32) (optional) | Room |
Telephone (FLD_TELEPHONE) | string(32) (optional) | Telephone Number |
Mobile (FLD_MOBILE) | string(32) (optional) | Mobile Number |
Fax (FLD_FAX) | string(32) (optional) | Fax Number |
Isdn (FLD_ISDN) | string(32) (optional) | ISDN Number |
Email (FLD_EMAIL) | string(64) (optional) | E-mail Address |
CostCenter (FLD_COST_CENTER) | string(32) (optional) | Cost Center |
CcMgr (FLD_CC_MGR) | string(64) (optional) | Cost Center Manager |
Partner (FLD_PARTNER) | string(64) (optional) | Partner |
Secretary (FLD_SECRETARY) | string(64) (optional) | Secretary |
SecretaryPhone (FLD_SECRETARY_PHONE) | string(32) (optional) | Secretary Phone Number |
Language (FLD_LANGUAGE) | string(32) (optional) | Language |
UsrGroup (FLD_USR_GROUP) | string(32) (optional) | USR_GROUP |
JobTitle (FLD_JOB_TITLE) | string(32) (optional) | Job Title |
OrgName (FLD_ORG_NAME) | string(64) (optional) | Organization Name |
OrgUnit1 (FLD_ORG_UNIT1) | string(64) (optional) | Org Unit 1 |
OrgUnit2 (FLD_ORG_UNIT2) | string(64) (optional) | Org Unit 2 |
OrgUnit3 (FLD_ORG_UNIT3) | string(64) (optional) | Org Unit 3 |
OrgUnit4 (FLD_ORG_UNIT4) | string(64) (optional) | Org Unit 4 |
Department (FLD_DEPARTMENT) | string(64) (optional) | Department |
CountryCode (FLD_COUNTRY_CODE) | string(12) (optional) | Country Code |
GeogLoc (FLD_GEOG_LOC) | string(64) (optional) | Geographical Location |
LastVmsUicGp (FLD_LAST_VMS_UIC_GP) | string(12) (optional) | LAST_VMS_UIC_GP |
LastVmsUicMem (FLD_LAST_VMS_UIC_MEM) | string(12) (optional) | LAST_VMS_UIC_MEM |
LastUnixUidGp (FLD_LAST_UNIX_UID_GP) | string(32) (optional) | LAST_UNIX_UID_GP |
LastUnixUidMem (FLD_LAST_UNIX_UID_MEM) | string(32) (optional) | LAST_UNIX_UID_MEM |
Roles (FLD_ROLES) | string(32) (optional) | Roles |
UsrDef1 (FLD_USR_DEF1) | string(64) (optional) | User-defined Field 1 |
UsrDef2 (FLD_USR_DEF2) | string(64) (optional) | User-defined Field 2 |
UsrDef3 (FLD_USR_DEF3) | string(64) (optional) | User-defined Field 3 |
UsrDef4 (FLD_USR_DEF4) | string(64) (optional) | User-defined Field 4 |
DefUsername (FLD_DEF_USERNAME) | string(64) (optional) | Default Username |
Comment (FLD_COMMENT) | string(64) (optional) | Comment |
LastEmploymentDate (FLD_LAST_EMPLOYMENT_DATE) | datetime (optional) | Last Employment Date |
RecType (FLD_REC_TYPE) | string(16) (optional) | Record Type |
RecStatus (FLD_REC_STATUS) | string(12) (optional) | Record Status |
RecstatChange (FLD_RECSTAT_CHANGE) | datetime (optional) | Record Status Last Changed |
SynchStatus (FLD_SYNCH_STATUS) | string(32) (optional) | Synchronization Status |
SynchDate (FLD_SYNCH_DATE) | datetime (optional) | Synchronization Status Last Changed |
DistinguishedName (FLD_DISTINGUISHED_NAME) | string(128) (optional) | Distinguished Name |
Created (FLD_CREATED) | datetime (optional) | Creation Date |
LastMod (FLD_LAST_MOD) | datetime (optional) | Last Modified Date |
New objects of this class are constructed with:
new Subscribers.People(string Index)
new Subscribers::People($FLD_INDEX)
The following methods return a single object, or a null reference if the requested object was not found:
Lookup(string FLD_INDEX)
The following methods return a list of objects:
Other methods:
-- save the object to the database.Delete()
-- delete the object from the database.Error()
(Perl only) -- get error message from last operation, if any.List of users who are administrators of various parts of the system.
Column | Type | Description |
UserID | integer (read-only) | ID of the user who is in a managerial role. |
DepartmentID | integer (optional, read-only) | ID of the department the user has management rights over. |
ResourceID | integer (optional, read-only) | ID of the resource the user has management rights over. |
New objects of this class are constructed with:
new RBAC.AdminGroupMembership(int UserID, int? DepartmentID, int? ResourceID)
new RBAC::AdminGroupMembership($UserID, $DepartmentID, $ResourceID)
The following methods return a single object, or a null reference if the requested object was not found:
Lookup(integer UserID, integer DepartmentID, integer ResourceID)
The following methods return a list of objects:
GetByDepartment(integer DepartmentID)
GetResourcesForUser(integer UserID)
GetDepartmentsForUser(integer UserID)
GetByResource(integer ResourceID)
GetByUser(integer UserID)
Other methods:
-- save the object to the database.Delete()
-- delete the object from the database.Error()
(Perl only) -- get error message from last operation, if any.Object | Type | Description |
Department | tblDepartment (read-only) | The department the user has management rights over. |
Resource | tblResource (read-only) | The resource the user has management rights over. |
User | tblUsers (read-only) | The user who is in a managerial role. |
Storage for attachments relating to a request, or part thereof.
Column | Type | Description |
RequestID | integer (read-only) | The ID of the request the attachment relates to. |
RequestLineID | integer (optional) | The ID of the specific request line the attachment relates to. |
Filename | string(128) (read-only) | The original name of the file. |
Filetype | string(128) | The MIME type of the file. |
Data | string(128) | The attachment data. |
New objects of this class are constructed with:
new RBAC.Attachment(int RequestID, string Filename)
new RBAC::Attachment($RequestID, $Filename)
The following methods return a single object, or a null reference if the requested object was not found:
Lookup(integer RequestID, string Filename)
The following methods return a list of objects:
Other methods:
-- save the object to the database.Delete()
-- delete the object from the database.Error()
(Perl only) -- get error message from last operation, if any.Object | Type | Description |
RequestLine | tblRequestLine (read-only) | The request line the attachment relates to. |
Request | tblRequestHeader (read-only) | The request the attachment relates to. |
The audit trail.
Column | Type | Description |
ID | uniqueid (read-only) | ID of the line, used only to provide uniqueness. |
EventTime | datetime | Timestamp of the event. |
Source | string(64) | Source -- either a subsystem or a user name. |
EventType | string(32) | Type of audit event. |
Severity | integer | Severity of audit event: 0 = catastrophic failure, 1 = error, 2 = warning, 3 = notice, 4 = debug 1 etc.. |
Description | string(255) | Description of audit event. |
New objects of this class are constructed with:
new RBAC.Audit()
new RBAC::Audit($ID)
The following methods return a single object, or a null reference if the requested object was not found:
Lookup(integer ID)
The following methods return a list of objects:
GetEventsFrom(string Source)
GetEventsBetween(date/time FirstEventTime, date/time LastEventTime)
GetEventOfSeverity(integer Severity)
GetEventsOfType(string EventType)
Other methods:
-- save the object to the database.Delete()
-- delete the object from the database.Error()
(Perl only) -- get error message from last operation, if any.Holds details of each authorization group – name etc.
Column | Type | Description |
ID | autoid (read-only) | ID of the auth group |
Name | string(128) | name of the auth group |
Comment | string(128) | a comment |
LeadMemberID | integer | User ID of the lead member |
DepartmentID | integer (optional) | The ID of the department owning the authorization group; governs authority to edit this auth group.. |
ResourceID | integer (optional) | The ID of the resource the authorization group relates to; governs authority to edit this auth group. |
New objects of this class are constructed with:
new RBAC.AuthGroup()
new RBAC::AuthGroup()
The following methods return a single object, or a null reference if the requested object was not found:
Lookup(integer ID)
LookupByAuthGroupName(string Name)
The following methods return a list of objects:
Other methods:
-- save the object to the database.Delete()
-- delete the object from the database.Error()
(Perl only) -- get error message from last operation, if any.Object | Type | Description |
Department | tblDepartment | The department owning the authorization group. |
Resource | tblResource | The resource the authorization group relates to. |
LeadMember | tblUsers | The lead user of the authorization group, having ability to delegate approval. |
List of users in each authorization group
Column | Type | Description |
AuthGroupID | integer (read-only) | ID of the auth group |
UserID | integer (read-only) | ID of the user |
New objects of this class are constructed with:
new RBAC.AuthGroupMember(int AuthGroupID, int UserID)
new RBAC::AuthGroupMember($AuthGroupID, $UserID)
The following methods return a single object, or a null reference if the requested object was not found:
Lookup(integer AuthGroupID, integer UserID)
The following methods return a list of objects:
Other methods:
-- save the object to the database.Delete()
-- delete the object from the database.Error()
(Perl only) -- get error message from last operation, if any.Object | Type | Description |
AuthGroup | tblAuthGroup (read-only) | The auth group the user is a mamber of. |
User | tblUsers (read-only) | The user that is a member of the group. |
List of authorization groups required for each role
Column | Type | Description |
RoleID | integer (read-only) | ID of the role |
RoleVersion | integer (read-only) | Version of the role |
AuthGroupID | integer (read-only) | ID of the authgroup |
New objects of this class are constructed with:
new RBAC.AuthGroupRole(int RoleID, int RoleVersion, int AuthGroupID)
new RBAC::AuthGroupRole($RoleID, $RoleVersion, $AuthGroupID)
The following methods return a single object, or a null reference if the requested object was not found:
Lookup(integer RoleID, integer RoleVersion, integer AuthGroupID)
The following methods return a list of objects:
Other methods:
-- save the object to the database.Delete()
-- delete the object from the database.Error()
(Perl only) -- get error message from last operation, if any.Object | Type | Description |
AuthGroup | tblAuthGroup (read-only) | The authorization group whose approval is required. |
Role | tblRole (read-only) | The role this authorization group is required to approve. |
List of signatories for each request line – one per authorizing user in each authorization group.
Column | Type | Description |
RequestID | integer (read-only) | The ID of the request holding the request line to be approved. |
LineID | integer (read-only) | The ID of the request line being approved. |
AuthGroupID | integer (read-only) | The ID of the authorization group whose approval is required. |
UserID | integer (read-only) | The ID of the user within the authorization group. |
Status | string(32) | The current approval state of this line. |
Signature | string(128) | The name of the user who signed this authline. |
SignatureVerifiedBy | string(128) | How the signature was verified -- RBAC, Active Directory etc. |
SignatureType | string(128) | Whether the signature was of the required user or a delegated user. |
DelegateUserID | integer (optional) | The ID of the user who signed with delegated authority. |
LastUpdated | datetime | The time this line was created or updated. |
Comment | string(128) | A comment. |
New objects of this class are constructed with:
new RBAC.AuthLine(int RequestID, int LineID, int AuthGroupID, int UserID)
new RBAC::AuthLine($RequestID, $LineID, $AuthGroupID, $UserID)
The following methods return a single object, or a null reference if the requested object was not found:
Lookup(integer RequestID, integer LineID, integer AuthGroupID, integer UserID)
The following methods return a list of objects:
Other methods:
-- save the object to the database.Delete()
-- delete the object from the database.Error()
(Perl only) -- get error message from last operation, if any.Object | Type | Description |
DelegateUser | tblUsers | The user who signed using delegated authority. |
RequestLine | tblRequestLine (read-only) | The request line this signature line relates to. |
AuthGroupMember | tblAuthGroupMember (read-only) | The user / authorization group that can sign off on this line. |
List of commands available in each WAR instance.
Column | Type | Description |
InstanceID | integer (read-only) | ID of the WAR instance this command applies to. |
Name | string(128) (read-only) | Name of the command. |
New objects of this class are constructed with:
new RBAC.CommandInfo(int InstanceID, string Name)
new RBAC::CommandInfo($InstanceID, $Name)
The following methods return a single object, or a null reference if the requested object was not found:
Lookup(integer InstanceID, string Name)
The following methods return a list of objects:
GetByInstance(integer InstanceID)
Other methods:
-- save the object to the database.Delete()
-- delete the object from the database.Error()
(Perl only) -- get error message from last operation, if any.Object | Type | Description |
Instance | tblWARInstances (read-only) | The WAR instance this command is available on. |
List of parameters required for each WAR command.
Column | Type | Description |
InstanceID | integer (read-only) | ID of the WAR instance owning the command. |
CommandName | string(128) (read-only) | Name of the command this parameter is for. |
ParameterName | string(128) (read-only) | Name of the parameter. |
ParameterType | string(128) | Type of the parameter. |
Comment | string(128) | Comment. |
New objects of this class are constructed with:
new RBAC.CommandParameter(int InstanceID, string CommandName, string ParameterName)
new RBAC::CommandParameter($InstanceID, $CommandName, $ParameterName)
The following methods return a single object, or a null reference if the requested object was not found:
Lookup(integer InstanceID, string CommandName, string ParameterName)
The following methods return a list of objects:
GetByCommand(integer InstanceID, string CommandName)
Other methods:
-- save the object to the database.Delete()
-- delete the object from the database.Error()
(Perl only) -- get error message from last operation, if any.Object | Type | Description |
Command | tblCommandInfo (read-only) | The command this parameter is required for. |
Compound-role specific details
Column | Type | Description |
RoleID | integer (read-only) | ID of the role |
RoleVersion | integer (read-only) | Version of the compound role |
New objects of this class are constructed with:
new RBAC.CompoundRole(int RoleID, int RoleVersion)
new RBAC::CompoundRole($RoleID, $RoleVersion)
The following methods return a single object, or a null reference if the requested object was not found:
Lookup(integer RoleID, integer RoleVersion)
The following methods return a list of objects:
Other methods:
-- save the object to the database.Delete()
-- delete the object from the database.Error()
(Perl only) -- get error message from last operation, if any.Object | Type | Description |
Role | tblRole (read-only) | The common role data for the role. |
List of roles making up each compound role
Column | Type | Description |
CompoundRoleID | integer (read-only) | ID of the compound role |
CompoundRoleVersion | integer (read-only) | Version of the compound role |
RoleID | integer (read-only) | ID of the contained role |
RoleVersion | integer | Version of the contained role (if compound) |
New objects of this class are constructed with:
new RBAC.CompoundRoleRole(int CompoundRoleID, int CompoundRoleVersion, int RoleID)
new RBAC::CompoundRoleRole($CompoundRoleID, $CompoundRoleVersion, $RoleID)
The following methods return a single object, or a null reference if the requested object was not found:
Lookup(integer CompoundRoleID, integer CompoundRoleVersion, integer RoleID)
The following methods return a list of objects:
Other methods:
-- save the object to the database.Delete()
-- delete the object from the database.Error()
(Perl only) -- get error message from last operation, if any.Object | Type | Description |
Role | tblRole (read-only) | The role contained within the CompoundRole. |
CompoundRole | tblCompoundRole (read-only) | The containing compound role. |
List of delegations made by resource managers.
Column | Type | Description |
UserID | integer (read-only) | ID of the user whose authority he has elected to delegate. |
DelegatedDepartmentID | integer (read-only) | ID of the department over which authority has been delegated. |
DelegatedResourceID | integer (read-only) | ID of the resource over which authority has been delegated. |
DelegateUserID | integer (read-only) | ID of the user the authority has been delegated to. |
RequestID | integer (optional, read-only) | ID of the request this delegation is (optionally) specific to. |
LineID | integer (optional, read-only) | ID of the request line this delegation is (optionally) specific to. |
AuthGroupID | integer (optional, read-only) | ID of the authgroup this delegation is (optionally) specific to. |
New objects of this class are constructed with:
new RBAC.Delegation(int UserID, int DelegatedDepartmentID, int DelegatedResourceID, int DelegateUserID, int? RequestID, int? LineID, int? AuthGroupID)
new RBAC::Delegation($UserID, $DelegatedDepartmentID, $DelegatedResourceID, $DelegateUserID, $RequestID, $LineID, $AuthGroupID)
The following methods return a single object, or a null reference if the requested object was not found:
Lookup(integer UserID, integer DelegatedDepartmentID, integer DelegatedResourceID, integer DelegateUserID, integer RequestID, integer LineID, integer AuthGroupID)
The following methods return a list of objects:
Other methods:
-- save the object to the database.Delete()
-- delete the object from the database.Error()
(Perl only) -- get error message from last operation, if any.Object | Type | Description |
DelegatedResource | tblResource (read-only) | ... |
DelegatedAuthLine | tblAuthLines (read-only) | ... |
DelegateUser | tblUsers (read-only) | ... |
DelegatedDepartment | tblDepartment (read-only) | ... |
User | tblUsers (read-only) | The user whose authority is being delegated. |
List of departments
Column | Type | Description |
ID | autoid (read-only) | ID of the department |
Name | string(128) | Name of the department |
Comment | string(128) | Descriptive comment |
New objects of this class are constructed with:
new RBAC.Department()
new RBAC::Department()
The following methods return a single object, or a null reference if the requested object was not found:
Lookup(integer ID)
LookupByName(string Name)
The following methods return a list of objects:
Other methods:
-- save the object to the database.Delete()
-- delete the object from the database.Error()
(Perl only) -- get error message from last operation, if any.List of compound roles available to each department
Column | Type | Description |
DepartmentID | integer (read-only) | ID of the owning department |
CompoundRoleID | integer (read-only) | ID of the owned role |
CompoundRoleVersion | integer | Version of the owned role |
New objects of this class are constructed with:
new RBAC.DepartmentCompoundRole(int DepartmentID, int CompoundRoleID)
new RBAC::DepartmentCompoundRole($DepartmentID, $CompoundRoleID)
The following methods return a single object, or a null reference if the requested object was not found:
Lookup(integer DepartmentID, integer CompoundRoleID)
The following methods return a list of objects:
Other methods:
-- save the object to the database.Delete()
-- delete the object from the database.Error()
(Perl only) -- get error message from last operation, if any.Object | Type | Description |
Department | tblDepartment (read-only) | The department with access to the compound role. |
CompoundRole | tblCompoundRole (read-only) | The compound role the department has access to. |
Favourite roles
Column | Type | Description |
UserID | integer (read-only) | ID of the user whose favourite this is |
RoleID | integer (read-only) | ID of the favourite role |
RoleVersion | integer | Version of the favourite role |
UsedTimestamp | datetime | Time this was last selected |
UpdatedTimestamp | datetime | Time this was last updated |
New objects of this class are constructed with:
new RBAC.FavoriteRole(int UserID, int RoleID)
new RBAC::FavoriteRole($UserID, $RoleID)
The following methods return a single object, or a null reference if the requested object was not found:
Lookup(integer UserID, integer RoleID)
The following methods return a list of objects:
GetByUser(integer UserID)
Other methods:
-- save the object to the database.Delete()
-- delete the object from the database.Error()
(Perl only) -- get error message from last operation, if any.Object | Type | Description |
FavoriteRoleObj | tblRole (read-only) | The role the user has marked as a favourite. |
User | tblUsers (read-only) | The user whose favourite this is. |
Favourite users
Column | Type | Description |
UserID | integer (read-only) | ID of the user whose favourite this is |
FavoriteUserID | integer (read-only) | ID of the favourite user |
UsedTimestamp | datetime | Time this was last selected |
UpdatedTimestamp | datetime | Time this was last updated |
New objects of this class are constructed with:
new RBAC.FavoriteUser(int UserID, int FavoriteUserID)
new RBAC::FavoriteUser($UserID, $FavoriteUserID)
The following methods return a single object, or a null reference if the requested object was not found:
Lookup(integer UserID, integer FavoriteUserID)
The following methods return a list of objects:
GetByUser(integer UserID)
Other methods:
-- save the object to the database.Delete()
-- delete the object from the database.Error()
(Perl only) -- get error message from last operation, if any.Object | Type | Description |
User | tblUsers (read-only) | The user whose favourite this is. |
FavoriteUserObj | tblUsers (read-only) | The user the user has marked as a favourite. |
Parameter template for each role action
Column | Type | Description |
ResourceRoleID | integer (read-only) | ID of the resource role this defines |
ResourceRoleVersion | integer (read-only) | Version of the resource role this defines |
ExecutionOrder | integer (read-only) | Index of the command within the role |
ParameterName | string(128) | Name of the parameter being defined |
ParameterSourceType | string(128) | The overall source of the parameter -- fixed, AD, Subscriber, request line etc. |
ParameterSource | string(128) | The source of the parameter -- a fixed string, field name etc. |
New objects of this class are constructed with:
new RBAC.Parameter(int ResourceRoleID, int ResourceRoleVersion, int ExecutionOrder)
new RBAC::Parameter($ResourceRoleID, $ResourceRoleVersion, $ExecutionOrder)
The following methods return a single object, or a null reference if the requested object was not found:
Lookup(integer ResourceRoleID, integer ResourceRoleVersion, integer ExecutionOrder)
The following methods return a list of objects:
Other methods:
-- save the object to the database.Delete()
-- delete the object from the database.Error()
(Perl only) -- get error message from last operation, if any.Object | Type | Description |
RoleAction | tblRoleActions (read-only) | The role action this parameter is associated with. |
Holds overall details of each request – date, requestor, note etc.
Column | Type | Description |
ID | autoid (read-only) | The unique request ID. |
RequestorID | integer | The User ID of the requesting user. |
Status | string(16) | Overall status of the request -- Editing, Submitted, etc. |
Description | string(255) (optional) | A description of the request, used by users to identify requests within the system. |
Comment | string(255) (optional) | A comment regarding the request. |
Created | datetime | The date and time the request was created. |
LastUpdated | datetime | The date and time the request was last updated. |
New objects of this class are constructed with:
new RBAC.RequestHeader()
new RBAC::RequestHeader()
The following methods return a single object, or a null reference if the requested object was not found:
Lookup(integer ID)
The following methods return a list of objects:
GetByStatus(string Status)
GetByRequestor(integer RequestorID)
GetCurrentRequestForRequestor(integer RequestorID)
Other methods:
-- save the object to the database.Delete()
-- delete the object from the database.Error()
(Perl only) -- get error message from last operation, if any.Object | Type | Description |
Requestor | tblUsers | The user making the request. |
Holds individual request lines.
Column | Type | Description |
RequestID | integer (read-only) | The ID of the request holding this request line. |
LineID | uniqueid (read-only) | The ID of this line within the request. |
Action | string(64) | The action being requested. |
Status | string(32) | The current status of this request line. |
LastUpdated | datetime | The date and time the request was submitted. |
New objects of this class are constructed with:
new RBAC.RequestLine(int RequestID)
new RBAC::RequestLine($RequestID, $LineID)
The following methods return a single object, or a null reference if the requested object was not found:
Lookup(integer RequestID, integer LineID)
The following methods return a list of objects:
GetByRequest(integer RequestID)
GetByRequestAndStatus(integer RequestID, string Status)
GetByStatus(string Status)
Other methods:
-- save the object to the database.Delete()
-- delete the object from the database.Error()
(Perl only) -- get error message from last operation, if any.Object | Type | Description |
Request | tblRequestHeader (read-only) | The containing request. |
Data fields for each request line – these correspond initially to input into the user interface, and are created for new lines as the request progresses.
Column | Type | Description |
RequestID | integer (read-only) | The ID of the request holding this request line. |
LineID | integer (read-only) | The ID of the request line to which this data pertains. |
FieldName | string(64) (read-only) | The field name of the data. |
FieldData | string(255) (read-only) | The data. |
New objects of this class are constructed with:
new RBAC.RequestLineData(int RequestID, int LineID, string FieldName, string FieldData)
new RBAC::RequestLineData($RequestID, $LineID, $FieldName, $FieldData)
The following methods return a single object, or a null reference if the requested object was not found:
Lookup(integer RequestID, integer LineID, string FieldName, string FieldData)
The following methods return a list of objects:
GetField(integer RequestID, integer LineID, string FieldName)
GetByRequestLine(integer RequestID, integer LineID)
GetMatching(string FieldName, string FieldData)
Other methods:
-- save the object to the database.Delete()
-- delete the object from the database.Error()
(Perl only) -- get error message from last operation, if any.Object | Type | Description |
RequestLine | tblRequestLine (read-only) | The request line this data relates to. |
List of pre-requisites and conflicting roles for each resource role
Column | Type | Description |
ResourceRoleID | integer (read-only) | ID of the resource role |
ResourceRoleVersion | integer (read-only) | Version of the resource role |
RequirementType | string(128) | Type of requirement: prerequisite, conflict, override |
RequirementRoleID | integer (read-only) | ID of the resource role required |
RequirementRoleVersion | integer (read-only) | Version of the resource role required |
New objects of this class are constructed with:
new RBAC.Requirement(int ResourceRoleID, int ResourceRoleVersion, int RequirementRoleID, int RequirementRoleVersion)
new RBAC::Requirement($ResourceRoleID, $ResourceRoleVersion, $RequirementRoleID, $RequirementRoleVersion)
The following methods return a single object, or a null reference if the requested object was not found:
Lookup(integer ResourceRoleID, integer ResourceRoleVersion, integer RequirementRoleID, integer RequirementRoleVersion)
The following methods return a list of objects:
GetRequirementsOfRole(integer ResourceRoleID, integer ResourceRoleVersion)
Other methods:
-- save the object to the database.Delete()
-- delete the object from the database.Error()
(Perl only) -- get error message from last operation, if any.Object | Type | Description |
RequirementRole | tblResourceRole (read-only) | The resource role that is required. |
ResourceRole | tblResourceRole (read-only) | The resource role this is a requirement for. |
List of resources
Column | Type | Description |
ID | autoid (read-only) | ID of the resource |
DepartmentID | integer (optional) | ID of the department owning this resource; if NULL, available to all departments |
RootOU | string(128) | The top-most OU to which this resource is available. |
Name | string(128) | Name of the resource |
Comment | string(128) | Descriptive comment |
New objects of this class are constructed with:
new RBAC.Resource()
new RBAC::Resource()
The following methods return a single object, or a null reference if the requested object was not found:
Lookup(integer ID)
LookupByName(string Name)
The following methods return a list of objects:
Other methods:
-- save the object to the database.Delete()
-- delete the object from the database.Error()
(Perl only) -- get error message from last operation, if any.Object | Type | Description |
Department | tblDepartment | The department owning the resource. |
Resource-role specific details
Column | Type | Description |
RoleID | integer (read-only) | ID of the role |
RoleVersion | integer | All resource roles have a version of 0 |
ResourceID | integer | ID of the associated resource |
ManualExecutorID | integer (optional) | ID of the user responsible for manual execution. |
New objects of this class are constructed with:
new RBAC.ResourceRole(int RoleID)
new RBAC::ResourceRole($RoleID)
The following methods return a single object, or a null reference if the requested object was not found:
Lookup(integer RoleID)
The following methods return a list of objects:
Other methods:
-- save the object to the database.Delete()
-- delete the object from the database.Error()
(Perl only) -- get error message from last operation, if any.Object | Type | Description |
Resource | tblResource | The resource the role relates to. |
Role | tblRole (read-only) | The common role data for the role. |
ManualExecutor | tblUsers | The user responsible for manual execution. |
Details common to both resource roles and compound roles
Column | Type | Description |
ID | autoid (read-only) | ID of the role |
Version | integer (read-only) | Version of the role |
VersionState | string(1) | Whether a version is current or not -- A for Active, I for Inactive |
Name | string(128) | Role name |
Comment | string(255) | A comment |
RoleType | string(10) | Compound, resource or RBAC |
ApprovalDeadline | integer | Number of days to wait for approval |
ExecutionDeadline | integer | Number of days to wait for execution |
New objects of this class are constructed with:
new RBAC.Role(int Version)
new RBAC::Role($Version)
The following methods return a single object, or a null reference if the requested object was not found:
Lookup(integer ID, integer Version)
LookupByNameAndVersion(string Name, integer Version)
The following methods return a list of objects:
GetActiveVersionFromID(integer RoleID)
GetActiveRolesByResource(integer ResourceID)
GetActiveRolesForDepartment(integer DepartmentID)
GetAllVersions(string Name)
Other methods:
-- save the object to the database.Delete()
-- delete the object from the database.Error()
(Perl only) -- get error message from last operation, if any.List of WAR commands to be issued for each resource role
Column | Type | Description |
ResourceRoleID | integer (read-only) | ID of the resource role this defines |
ResourceRoleVersion | integer (read-only) | Version of the resource role this defines |
WARInstance | integer | ID of the WAR instance this command should be run on |
CommandName | string(128) | Name of the command to be executed |
ExecutionOrder | integer (read-only) | Order within the command list |
New objects of this class are constructed with:
new RBAC.RoleAction(int ResourceRoleID, int ResourceRoleVersion, int ExecutionOrder)
new RBAC::RoleAction($ResourceRoleID, $ResourceRoleVersion, $ExecutionOrder)
The following methods return a single object, or a null reference if the requested object was not found:
Lookup(integer ResourceRoleID, integer ResourceRoleVersion, integer ExecutionOrder)
The following methods return a list of objects:
Other methods:
-- save the object to the database.Delete()
-- delete the object from the database.Error()
(Perl only) -- get error message from last operation, if any.Object | Type | Description |
Command | tblCommandInfo | The command to be executed. |
ResourceRole | tblResourceRole (read-only) | The resource role this action implements. |
List of role priority groups, defining the role hierarchy.
Column | Type | Description |
ID | autoid (read-only) | ID of the priority group |
Name | string(128) | Name of the priority group |
New objects of this class are constructed with:
new RBAC.RolePriorityGroup()
new RBAC::RolePriorityGroup()
The following methods return a single object, or a null reference if the requested object was not found:
Lookup(integer ID)
LookupByName(string Name)
The following methods return a list of objects:
Other methods:
-- save the object to the database.Delete()
-- delete the object from the database.Error()
(Perl only) -- get error message from last operation, if any.List of roles within a priority group.
Column | Type | Description |
GroupID | integer (read-only) | ID of the priority group |
RoleID | integer | ID of the role |
RoleVersion | integer | Version of the role -- FIXME! |
Priority | integer (read-only) | Priority of the role within the group |
New objects of this class are constructed with:
new RBAC.RolePriorityList(int GroupID, int Priority)
new RBAC::RolePriorityList($GroupID, $Priority)
The following methods return a single object, or a null reference if the requested object was not found:
Lookup(integer GroupID, integer Priority)
LookupRoleWithinGroup(integer GroupID, integer RoleID)
The following methods return a list of objects:
GetRolesInGroup(integer GroupID)
GetGroupsForRole(integer RoleID)
Other methods:
-- save the object to the database.Delete()
-- delete the object from the database.Error()
(Perl only) -- get error message from last operation, if any.Object | Type | Description |
Role | tblRole | |
Group | tblRolePriorityGroups (read-only) |
List of roles currently granted to users
Column | Type | Description |
UserID | integer (read-only) | ID of the user |
RoleID | integer (read-only) | ID of the role |
RoleVersion | integer | Version of the role |
New objects of this class are constructed with:
new RBAC.UserRole(int UserID, int RoleID)
new RBAC::UserRole($UserID, $RoleID)
The following methods return a single object, or a null reference if the requested object was not found:
Lookup(integer UserID, integer RoleID)
The following methods return a list of objects:
GetAllRolesForUser(integer UserID)
Other methods:
-- save the object to the database.Delete()
-- delete the object from the database.Error()
(Perl only) -- get error message from last operation, if any.Object | Type | Description |
Role | tblRole (read-only) | The role the user has. |
User | tblUsers (read-only) | The user having the role. |
List of users – sourced from Active Directory / Subscriber DB
Column | Type | Description |
ID | autoid (read-only) | RBAC User ID |
Username | string(128) | Username |
AuthenticationType | string(128) | Authentication type -- RBAC, Active Directory etc. |
Authentication | string(128) | If using RBAC authentication, a hash of the user's password. If using Active Directory etc. authentication, the relevant data; e.g. account DN. |
DepartmentID | integer | ID of the user's department |
BadgeNumber | string(128) | User's badge number from subscriber DB |
LogonScreen | string(128) | Screen to present after logging on |
New objects of this class are constructed with:
new RBAC.User()
new RBAC::User()
The following methods return a single object, or a null reference if the requested object was not found:
Lookup(integer ID)
LookupByBadgeNumber(string BadgeNumber)
LookupByUsername(string Username)
The following methods return a list of objects:
GetByDepartment(integer DepartmentID)
GetUsersOfResource(integer ResourceID)
GetByDepartmentName(string DepartmentName)
Other methods:
-- save the object to the database.Delete()
-- delete the object from the database.Error()
(Perl only) -- get error message from last operation, if any.Object | Type | Description |
Department | tblDepartment | The department the user is a member of. |
List of agents available to each WAR instance.
Column | Type | Description |
InstanceID | integer (read-only) | ID of the WAR instance owning this agent. |
Name | string(64) (read-only) | Name of the agent within SEM. |
FriendlyName | string(128) | Display name for the agent. |
Comment | string(255) (optional) | Optional comment. |
New objects of this class are constructed with:
new RBAC.WARAgent(int InstanceID, string Name)
new RBAC::WARAgent($InstanceID, $Name)
The following methods return a single object, or a null reference if the requested object was not found:
Lookup(integer InstanceID, string Name)
The following methods return a list of objects:
GetByName(string Name)
Other methods:
-- save the object to the database.Delete()
-- delete the object from the database.Error()
(Perl only) -- get error message from last operation, if any.Object | Type | Description |
Instance | tblWARInstances (read-only) | The WAR instance this agent is reachable through. |
List of WAR instances RBAC can interface to.
Column | Type | Description |
ID | autoid (read-only) | Unique identifier for the instance. |
Name | string(64) | Display name of the WAR instance. |
DSN | string(128) | Name of the DSN used to access this instance. |
New objects of this class are constructed with:
new RBAC.WARInstance()
new RBAC::WARInstance()
The following methods return a single object, or a null reference if the requested object was not found:
Lookup(integer ID)
LookupByDSN(string DSN)
LookupByName(string Name)
The following methods return a list of objects:
Other methods:
-- save the object to the database.Delete()
-- delete the object from the database.Error()
(Perl only) -- get error message from last operation, if any.