To create a VAX emulation on an Intel machine... 1. create a root folder c:\VAX 2. unpack the zip file contents into this folder 3. Install WinPcap (WinPcap_3_1_beta_3.exe) 4. modify the vax.ini file so that the last line is commented out (; boot cpu) 5. use REGEDT32 to browse the registry - look for: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services ... and check under each of the long hex values folders for a page containing the IP address of the workstation on which you are wanting to run the VAX simulation (remember the hex folder name) 6. start the VAX Simulator by typing "VAX.BAT" in a DOS command window 7. at the SIM> prompt type: "attach xq eth0" ... this will close the current ethernet connection and open another - displaying a hex value. If this is NOT the hex value obtained from 5. above, then type "attach xq eth1" ... then "attach xq eth2" - etc until the hex number displayed is the same as the that in 5. above. Remember the ethX number that produced this. 8. Modify the vax.ini file so that "attach xq eth0" entry uses the "ethX" number obtained in 7. above. And remove the comment from the last line so that the system will automatically boot. 8. Run the VAX.BAT file again from a DOS command window. This time it should boot the VMS system - log in as "system" with a password of manager42